The Bachelor's Degree in Engineering of Energy Resources, Fuels and Explosives is a four-year course consisting of 240 ECTS credits (according to the CURRENT UPM curriculum).
General Features
This course is taught face to face, and the main teaching language is Spanish. 170 new entry places are offered.
This degree will give the graduate access to practice the regulated profession of ‘Ingeniero Técnico de Minas’ (Technical Mining Engineer), Order CIN/310/2009 9th Feb, in a specialty chosen by the student during their studies.
The Bachelor’s degree, together with the Master’s in Mine Engineering, constitute an adaptation of what used to be the original Degree in Mine Engineering that has been taught at ETSIME-UPM since its foundation in 1777. The separation of this qualification into two separate qualifications was caused by the new regulatory framework, established by ‘Ley Organica 4/2007’ on amendment of the LOU and ‘Real Decreto 1393/2007’ establishing the management of official university courses.
All graduates of this degree will meet the requirements of access to the Master’s in Mining Engineering established in section 4.2.1. Order CIN/310/2009 which lays down the requirements for official university degrees that enable the exercise of the profession of Mining Engineer.
The degree is of great scientific and technological relevance, as well as having the specialized academic relevance necessary to train new professionals, since it is designed around order CIN/306/2009 of 9th February, which establishes the requirements official university degrees that enable the exercise of the profession of Technical Mining Engineer, specializing in Energy Resources, Fuels and Explosives.
The title of ‘Ingeniería de los Recursos Energéticos, Combustibles y Explosivos’ from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid:
- It has a strong international reputation, perfectly adapted to a highly globalized sector, giving our students a wide international demand.
- Has an undoubted professional profile of great interest and importance for the future of civil engineering, mineral resource and hydrogeological prospecting and the environment, meaning it is in wide socio-economic demand across Spain and Europe.
- Academically and scientifically it is in demand and sits well amongst the range of degrees offered in the ETSIME and ETSII of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
- Its teaching materials, competencies and methodologies are clearly established and backed up with practical experience comparable with the programs offered by other high-level universities internationally.