Outreach project jointly organized by the ‘Fundación MAXAM’ and the ‘Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Minas y Energía de Madrid’ (ETSIME-UPM).
It aims to:
Show the importance of minerals and their applications to our day to day lives.
Highlight what is necessary for exploration, extraction, and processing, in a sustainable way.
This initiative consists of a monthly exhibition based around a particular mineral.
We started our journey with Gold (June), then Halite and Salts (July-August), then beautiful Fluorites in September, and during October, coinciding with the National Congress of Aggregates that took place in Madrid, the Aggregate was chosen.
This core of the exhibition consists of a display case, on the 1st floor of the Historical Building at the ETSIME-UPM (C/Ríos Rosas 21, Madrid). It shows pieces from the display cases of the ‘Museo Histórico Minero D. Felipe de Borbón y Grecia’, as well as collections that are not normally accessible to visitors.
Complementing it are two teaching panels, in color and large format, that provide the historical context, areas of exploitation in the world, uses, and other interesting information. In addition, a brochure is published with all this educational information for visitors to take away with them.
In addition, on their websites, the ETSIME-UPM and the MAXAM Foundation, have created spaces to amplify the educational information of this initiative: