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Its nucleus are many thousands of measurements taken on bone and teeth. Because the preservation of skull and limb bones used to be precarious I maintained the partial measurements that can be analyzed as robustness indicators. On carpus and tarsus bones, more frequently well preserved, I removed those that do not maintain their major dimension (length), in a similar way I proceeded with elements of the dentition. The database body is divided according to anatomical elements: cranium and first cervical vertebrae, Upper and lower limbs, carpus, tarsus, upper dentition, lower dentition and decidual dentition and each case the different bones are grouped. Aside the values there is In all cases aside the values there is a diagram showing the measurements on the anatomical element. The species and locality are included as two (rarely three) letter key. In a separate database there is a detailed description of the different localities as well as its chronology as precise as possible. There is an accessory database with the definition of each measurement. Geographical abbreviations index Metric abbreviations index