The Doctoral Program follows the guidelines of Real Decreed 99/2011 (28/01/2011), which are included in the Doctorate Model of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), approved on 21 December 2011.
The maximum duration of the doctorate will be 3 years for full-time students and 5 years for part-time students. The request for change of dedication requires the authorization of the UPM Doctoral Committee, soliciting it through the Academic Committee of the program. Students may apply for an extension for a period of one year renewable for another year.
Each academic year the Ph.D. candidates are required to pay the fees for academic supervision. Also, students must complete a series of training activities during the academic part of the PhD. These activities shall consist of:
- Research Seminars (10 per academic year). “Preparation of a research paper” seminar of Master MIMARMA is mandatory.
- Participation in conferences. Ph.D. candidates must attend an International Scientific Congress and present oral or written communication on it. This activity will take place during the first two years.
- Attendance at the annual conference of PhD students. This activity takes place during the month of June. During this conference, Ph.D. candidates will present during 15-20 minutes the activities carried out during the academic year. This activity is recommended for the first year; however, it is mandatory for subsequent courses.
- Preparation and publication of a scientific paper. It is mandatory that each student publish at least one article in a prestigious scientific journal, that is, in some scientific journal included in the JCR (journal citation reports)
- Academic Mobility:. At least 50% of students must complete a minimum of 3 months stay at foreign institutions or approved national research centers. This stay must provide specific training for students in the field of investigation of his doctoral thesis.
First year candidates should submit to the Academic Committee of the PhD Program, the Research Plan for approval. In subsequent courses students must add and complete the research plan presented.
Throughout the academic part of the Ph.D. programme, the student must complete the Activities Document, where all traning activites are duly noted.
According to current regulations, Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program which meets annually will evaluate the Research Plan and Document of Activities of each doctoral student, along with reports from tutor and thesis supervisor. A positive assessment will be necessary to continue in the program. In case of a negative evaluation, which shall be duly substantiated, the student will be evaluated again within six months. During this time, the student will develop a new research plan. In the case of a repeated negative evaluation the student will be expelled from the programme.